Tourist Information Centre Cheddar
28 February 2024
Sedgemoor District Council required the Cheddar Tourist Information Centre to be repaired and re-decorated. Only a relatively small project but there were extensive timber repairs required prior to a full external re-decoration.
Prior to any painting works taking place it was necessary for our operatives to remove all areas of rotting timbers located throughout the shop front. Our operatives began by raking out soft areas of timber before applying a timber resin repair system, for which they are specially trained, to replace the defective sections of woodwork. Once cured, the surface can be treated like a normal wood surface and further preparation can take place prior to repainting.
To provide longevity for the future of the building against the elements, Bagnalls applied a Dulux Weathershield paint specification to the entire shop front. Dulux provide their Weathershield range of weatherproof paints in product formulations perfect for masonry, external wood and metal surfaces.
As a Dulux Connect partner, Bagnalls called upon the technical services of Dulux to provide a colour range to match the existing palette as closely as possible – this has ensured that the final building looks refreshed and revitalised, with a more contemporary feel.