What Sustainability Means to Bagnalls
Bagnalls is a responsible business, putting people and the planet at the heart of what we do. We have already achieved many of the targets we set ourselves across Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), including becoming a Living Wage Employer, having an award-winning apprenticeship scheme and recycling our main waste streams. However, we understand that we have an ongoing commitment to our communities and will continue to review our operations to make positive changes.
We are committed to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and to make a difference we are focusing on the UN SDGs where we can make the biggest contribution and have set out our Sustainability plan to 2035.
Environmental Action
We work with the leading paint manufacturers to review changes in specification which can have environmental benefits, extend maintenance life cycles and reduce the environmental impact of maintenance painting works. We recycle all paint cans (metal and plastic) through Crown Trade’s CanBack scheme with their social enterprise partner NIMTECH, as well as recycling unused paint through social enterprises like Paint 360 and Community Repaint.
We have also made an industry-wide commitment to the PDA’s Paint Green initiative which is aligned to our goals on reducing waste and giving back to local communities. All these initiatives support Bagnalls in its quest to paint a greener future.
Social Engagement
Our people are fundamental to our future and we want to ensure that new and existing employees have opportunities to thrive in our business. As an equal opportunities employer we encourage inclusion in our workforce and encourage applications from women and diverse, under-represented communities. We pay everyone at least the Living Wage and offer all employees opportunities for training, development and progression. Our Community Paintbrush scheme has seen us supporting hundreds of good causes since its inception in 2012.
Proactive Governance
We are committed to good governance in all aspects of our business and ensuring we meet our responsibilities to all interested stakeholders. We are a fair employer, meet all our legal obligations, work closely with our supply chain, pay promptly and manage risk. We support wider industry interests in our proactive engagement with the Painting & Decorating Association (PDA) and the British Coatings Federation (BCF).
Guide to cleaning your paint brushes and rollers
Meet Joel, Bagnalls’ Academy tutor and watch his hints and tips to prolonging the life of your painting equipment in an effective and environmentally friendly way.
Play VideoOur Accreditations
From safe systems of work to our environmental policies, our accreditations assure customers of our accountability and dependability in our work.
See All Accreditations