Bagnalls Achieve 14th Consecutive RoSPA Gold Award
28 April 2023
Bagnalls has retained our internationally recognised health and safety accolade from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) with a RoSPA President’s Award, marking 14 consecutive Gold awards! This award is only given to those who have shown an unwavering commitment to safety and we are so proud to have attained this accolade.
We were assessed alongside a wide range of international businesses to scoop this prestigious award, demonstrating our commitment to health and safety excellence.
Now in its 67th year, the RoSPA Health and Safety Awards is the largest and longest-running occupational health and safety awards programme in the UK. The awards cover over 50 countries and reach over 7 million employees, so it’s no surprise it has almost 2,000 yearly entries!
Bagnalls is extremely proud to be recognised for our commitment to health and safety, especially considering the number of applicants.
RoSPA rewards commitment to continuous improvement in health and safety across a business. This improvement includes the prevention of accidents and ill health at work, overarching health and safety management systems and leadership and workforce involvement in safety protocols.
Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said: “Accidents at work and work-related ill health significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. That’s why good safety performance deserves to be recognised and rewarded. We are thrilled that Bagnalls have achieved another RoSPA award and would like to congratulate the team on its unwavering commitment to keeping its employees safe.”
The RoSPA award is one of the most sought-after achievement awards for the health and safety industry and we are delighted to say we have 14 of them!
Becky Slater, our Head of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality (SHEQ), commented: “The commitment to safety is palpable from both the site and office teams at Bagnalls. Our recent safety forums, where colleagues get together to discuss safety improvements, have highlighted the increased level of workforce engagement. I believe winning a 14th consecutive Gold award is a worthy acknowledgement of all the hard work every individual in Bagnalls puts in every day, to create a safer working environment.”
Bagnalls will continue to further our commitment to health and safety and aim to monitor and improve our systems, so our staff always feel safe and considered at work.