Megan’s Garden, Halewood Academy
20 December 2019
Megan Hurley will never be forgotten at Halewood Academy. She was a bright, lively, and caring 15-year-old who loved life, until it was so cruelly taken away from her, along with 21 others during the horrific terror attack, at the Manchester Arena, on 22nd May 2017.
Those who had the privilege to meet Megan will know what a loving and beautiful girl she was, Megan was well known for her caring nature and loved to help others. Megan’s friends came up with the idea of creating a memorial garden at Halewood Academy as a way to keep Megan’s memory alive.
In August 2019, Bagnalls approached Halewood Academy to see if we could be of any assistance in refreshing Megan’s Garden with some added colour. Our Community Paintbrush scheme is there to support special projects such as this.
The offer of support was welcomed with open arms by everyone at the school. School staff and Megan’s parents discussed some ideas prior to our arrival and were thrilled with the transformation that we achieved.