
Bagnalls Redecorates Three Children’s Bedrooms For Family in Need

08 February 2023

Bagnalls is happy to make a difference. Through our Community Paintbrush scheme, we’ve been supporting local charities and organisations for over 10 years! Our team has planted trees in Liverpool, decorated playgrounds in Birmingham and donated paint to schools in Sierra Leone.

So, when we were recently approached by Spurgeons Children’s Charity for support, there was no question about it! Founded in 1867, the organisation provides support to vulnerable children and families across the UK. The charity also offers parenting courses and school counselling services.

Bagnalls was more than happy to oblige, decorating three bedrooms for a single father and his five children. Our team used the children’s chosen colours from a range kindly supplied by Dulux Trade– both dad and children were over the moon with the results!

A support worker at Spurgeons contacted us to say: “The family is very pleased with the decorating and the dad said that the kids love their new rooms and are now looking forward to receiving new carpet. The children are Spurgeons’ young carers as they help their dad. The family is so very grateful for the support given by Bagnalls.”

There’s nothing like a lick of paint to transform the look and feel of a home, after all!

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